Educational Programs and Opportunities
Take a look at our educational programs and opportunities.
In This Section:

Young Children Programs
Shaare Tefila strives to provide each child with a secure, caring and stimulating experience. It is our mission to educate youth to be lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life. Our focus on social, cognitive, physical and emotional growth meets the needs of each child. It is our desire to help young students use their innate abilities to create, imagine, explore and learn. Our powerful belief in the competence of all children nourishes the practice of maximizing every child’s capability.
Preschoolers are welcome to attend our monthly Gan Katan Jewish Learning Experience Class, where themes range from holidays to mitzvot and everyone sings, dances, and leaves with something they created. Families with children ages 0-7 are invited to attend Mini Minyan to welcome Shabbat on Friday evenings and Tot Shabbat, our Saturday morning worship experience.
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Chavaya-Religious School
Shaare Tefila educates youth to be lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life. We offer an excellent liberal Jewish education that includes learning experiences on Sunday mornings for everyone in grades K-12. Children in grades 3-7 receive individualized weekly Hebrew learning with a tutor, meeting online based on a mutually convenient schedule. We have been teaching Hebrew to children online for OVER 13 years. If you have questions please contact Babette Cohn, Director of Education & Programming, 301-593-3410 x106.
* Our program is based in experiential Jewish learning and offers children the chance to: become comfortable with t’filah (prayer); develop a personal understanding of God; learn Jewish history through Torah and other sources; and so much more!
* Over 13 years of experience teaching Hebrew online including weekly, individualized Hebrew tutoring, focused on Hebrew reading and prayer learning. Sessions scheduled at the family’s convenience.
* Twice a month learning experiences for students in grades 8 & up.
We focus on social, cognitive, physical and emotional growth meeting the needs of each child. It is our desire to help children use their innate abilities to create, imagine, explore and learn. Our powerful belief in the competence of all children nourishes the practice of maximizing every child’s capability.
Find out more about our excellent Jewish education program here!
CALENDAR FOR 2024-25: Find the latest draft of the Chavaya School Calendar here!
If you would like to learn more please contact Babette Cohn, Director of Education & Programming.
The Mission of the Chavaya Religious School at Shaare Tefila is to provide the children of Shaare Tefila with:
A familiarity and knowledge of Jewish traditions,
Love and respect for Torah,
Connection to the people of and the land of Israel,
An understanding of Jewish history, and
Fostering a sense of responsibility to our world through Derech Eretz (ethical decency) and Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World).
Keeping in mind the following core values, our students learn that they are part of the sacred community that is Shaare Tefila Congregation:
KEHILAH KEDOSHAH – We are a “holy community”
SHALOM BAYIT – “Peace in the house”
KAVOD – “Respect” or “Honor”
CHESED – “Kindness” or “Loving kindness”
Class Schedule for 2024-25
Gan Katan Preschool Class: Monthly from 9:45-11:15 am.
Grades K-2: Sundays 9:30-12:00
Grades 3-7: Sundays 9:30-12:00, plus 45 minutes of Hebrew tutoring online each week.
Grades 8-12: 9:30-12:00, twice a month for each class, including learning with Rabbi Jonah.
For more information or questions, contact Director of Education & Programming Babette Cohn or by phone at 301-593-3410 ext 106.
Adult Learning
Ongoing classes with Rabbi Layman: New participants always welcome!
Wednesday morning Torah Study – weekly – 11am-Noon – Join Rabbi Layman every week as we discuss that week’s Torah portion. Learn about how the ancient text becomes relevant to our lives today.
Friday mornings – 9:30-10:30 – Torah Class –What does the Torah teach us? What do the traditional commentaries add to our understanding? How is the Five Books of Moses relevant to our lives today? These questions and more are explored as we delve into the text in the English translation.
Sunday mornings – 9:30-10:30 – Talmud class – “Two people grab a garment; one says ‘it’s mine’ and the other says ‘it’s mine’”. Join our Talmud class as we explore this section of the Talmud and learn how the rabbis 1500 years ago made Jewish law and practice meaningful and contemporary.
Sunday mornings – 10:30-11:30 – Prayer Book Hebrew – Do you know how to read Hebrew? Would you like to practice to become a more fluent reader? Join this class as we use the prayerbook as our text. Not only will we practice reading Hebrew but we’ll also explore the origin and meaning of the liturgy.
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