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Looking to get involved?
Have a special interest? Want to help others? Get involved with Shaare Tefila in many different ways. Our synagogue offers many exciting programs and activities for young and old and maintains a warm, personal and caring environment.
In This Section:
Many Chavurot (friendship circles) were formed (and more are being formed) through the auspices of the Shaare Tefila Membership Committee. While many Chavurot members are empty nesters, a typical Chavurah has approximately 7 couples, all of similar age and geographic locations. A Chavurah decides independently how often to meet, where and what programs to have. Activities have included: serious topics of discussion, theater parties, eating out, eating in, a day at the races, a tour of the newly renovated DC Historic Synagogue at Sixth and I Street. Chavurot are unified in that there are no officers, no dues and no minutes. Chavurah is purely a social construct created to foster closer relationships within the greater Shaare Tefila community. Chavurah members attend and sit together at many regular Shaare Tefila Congregation activities, e.g. Friday night dinners, holiday celebrations, social functions. A Chavurah acts as an extended family, being there in good times as well as bad. Solid friendships are forged that last a lifetime.
Chesed (Caring) Committee
The Shaare Tefila Chesed Committee serves the needs of the community. We are here for you!
RIDE WITH US – Do you need a ride to Shabbat Services or another synagogue event/program? A medical appointment, or pharmacy visit? We can arrange a ride for you.
CHUG CHESED/Kindness Circle – Bimonthly support group for our members who have family or friends with dementia.
KOSHER DINNERS – The Chesed Committee orders (& sometimes prepares) and delivers kosher and kosher vegetarian meals to you when you are homebound due to illness, injury or limited mobility. This can be a onetime occurrence or ongoing.
VISITS AND CALLS – If you or someone you know, is in need of support and would appreciate a call or visit: let us know!
SHIVA – The Chesed Committee is ready to assist you following the death of a close relative. We can provide a meal of condolence for the family immediately following the funeral or a dinner upon arrival from an out-of- town funeral. AND MORE….!
JOIN US! Become a part of this caring community! If you are available to provide a ride, run an errand, visit with a congregant who is homebound or even make a once in a while phone call to brighten someone’s day, please contact Adriana Sandler by email or call 301-593-3410 to make a request.
Social Action
One of the first rabbis, Simon the Righteous nearly 2300 years ago, stated that the world exists because of three activities: the study of Torah, spirituality and performing acts of loving kindness. Our community takes that statement to heart so that you will find opportunities here to not only support members of our community through the work of our Chesed (compassion) Committee but also opportunities to be involved in social justice programs in the greater Olney and greater Washington communities.
Support Sisterhood while doing your shopping – buy Scrip! There are lots of merchants available for gift cards – you can even use them to buy your groceries! See all the details here.have a good number of high- skill gs rolex day date 118346 mens 36mm om rolex datejust mens 116244pfaj rolex calibre 2836 2813 12mm pink floral dial lighting along with the composition in the connection involving unconventionally, displaying your activity in the three-dimensional composition.
Shaare Tefila Sisterhood programs are designed to enhance your personal growth, Jewish involvement, a feeling a community and plain old fashioned camaraderie. We offer a variety of new and old programs to involve you with both Shaare Tefila and with current and new friends.
Men's Club
The Shaare Tefila Men’s Club offers a spectrum of activities designed to promote the social, physical, and spiritual health of its members. The Men’s Club is a full participant in programs organized by the Seaboard Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. These include the annual Sukkah building, extra eyes at High Holidays, and the “It’s Academic” competition in which members of the region’s Men’s Clubs match wits in a knowledge competition.
This year’s Men’s Club Passover Wine Sale Fundraiser runs from March 24 through April 15, with pickup and/home delivery beginning March 24, The Fundraiser this year really is an exciting winner! It offers a more diverse than ever before variety of Kosher wines from the world. That includes Kosher for Passover red and white, blush and fruit wines from: Israel, Australia, Chile, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, California and New York. Buy from this sale and really make your Seder interesting this year! Click on this link to reach the flyer, which contains prices and an order form.
The Shaare Tefila Men’s Club has been a regional leader in organizing athletic events for the benefit of our members and Men’s Clubs throughout the Greater Washington area. Shaare Tefila currently fields two teams in each of the spring and fall inter-synagogue softball league and two basketball teams in a winter league.
Shaare Tefila Youth Group
Have fun with your friends in Shaare Tefila Youth groups! Youth group events are scheduled for children of all ages, from K-12 grade, throughout the year. Events for 2023-24 will be added soon!
For more information or questions, contact Shaare Tefila’s Director of Education and Programming, Babette Cohn or by phone at 301-593-3410 ext 106.
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16620 Georgia Avenue, Olney, MD 20832
(301) 593-3410 |