News & Events

Stay Updated With the Latest News & Events

Visit this page frequently in order to stay in touch with the latest Shaare Tefila news and events.

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We would like to welcome you to weekday morning minyan (Sunday, Monday and Thursday in the Grosberg-Baumgart Chapel)  and to Shabbat morning services in the sanctuary. If you cannot make it in person to these services then the weekday morning and the Shabbat morning service will still be available on ZOOM, with the Shabbat morning service also available on livestream. 

Questions about any of our programs? Contact Babette Cohn, Director of Education & Programming by email or phone, 301-593-3410 x106.

JOIN US FOR PROGRAMMING DURING THE 2024-25 YEAR! Shaare Tefila offers programs for everyone, in person, hybrid and online. Mark your calendar now for monthly Shabbat Dinners, Havdalah Experiences, Makers & Bakers cookie making & crafts, Holiday Programs, and so much more!! Check out all the details here.

Chavaya Religious School 2024-25 – New students are always welcome at Shaare Tefila. You and your child are invited to visit and find out about our engaging, liberal Jewish education program, Chavaya (experience). Registration is open and accessible to all with this form.
If you would like to learn more about all Shaare Tefila has to offer please take a look at our education page or contact Director of Education & Programming Babette Cohn, 301-593-3410 x106. 

Gan Katan, 2024-25 Dates: 11/10, 12/15, 1/12/25, 2/9, 3/23, 4/6, and 5/18; just $54 for the whole year! – Our monthly Jewish preschool experience, for Young Children & a Grown-up, begins again on September 8. You can sign up for the year at this site – just choose Pre-K for the grade choice. The fee is $54 for the year; $10 for drop in classes.  

Mini Minyan – Welcome Shabbat with a program for families of children ages 0-7! 2024-25, Dates: 11/8, 1/10/25, 3/7, and 4/25, 6pm – Welcome Shabbat as a community with singing, dancing and funled by Adrienne Suson, Auntie ‘A’ of Rhythm n’ Ruach. Stay afterwards for the community TGI Shabbat Dinner.

Tot Shabbat, Children Ages 0-7, 2024-25 Dates: 12/14, 2/22/25, and 5/17, 11am – Come to Shaare Tefila for a Shabbat experience filled with lots of ruach (spirit) led by Adrienne Suson, Auntie ‘A’ of Rhythm n’ Ruach! Contact Babette Cohn for more information. 

Junior Congregation, Grades 3-7, 2024-25 Dates: 11/9, 12/7, 1/4/25, 2/1, 3/29, 4/26, and 5/17, 11am – Babette Cohn and Ilana Gorod return to lead our monthly Shabbat service for school age children. Contact Babette Cohn for more information.

The Shofar

Our newsletter, The Shofar, is published 11 times a year. In the sidebar you will find the past monthly newsletter. Full editions are available by request. Please contact the office with any questions at or 301-593-3410 x101.

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(301) 593-3410 |

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